Travel Well-Noted

I love to travel. The way my own travel plans come to life inspired this blog. I plan all of my trips on my iPhone. Every vacation is born in the Notes app.

However, when it comes to researching trips and filling in the gaps of where to stay, eat, explore and how much time to spend in each city, there’s an overwhelming amount of content to create an itinerary. As someone who is pressed for time, I’ve always wanted more websites to offer a framework for a vacation.

I hope to remedy that by giving easy quick-lists of what to do, where to eat and where to stay - something that can easily live in your Notes too.

By contextualizing each post with simple recommendations, I hope to inspire you to travel more.

With fair winds and following seas,


While I love the initial research and developing a framework, I usually ask a travel professional to bring our vacation to life. Coordinated travel logistics, added perks, and partners on the ground always yield for the best possible vacation. Most of all, I believe you can enjoy yourself on vacation when your time isn’t spent coordinating your next move, which is why I always openly endorse my travel professionals.

Santorini Greece



ADJECTIVE Particularly or carefully noticed or observed.

ORIGIN late 16th cent.: English.